Hello lovelies :)
This is what I wore for a whistle-stop tour from frozen yoghurt shop > Boots > supermarket!
Sunglasses: H&M
Top: Random shop in Rotterdam
Jeggings: Next
Shoes: Minnetonkas

Love the cute shoulder detail on this top.. it's subtle enough to wear during the day.

Boots goodies:
I went into boots intending to get some cotton pads and out I came with this lot! How does it happen? The sweet mermaid song of the make up aisle drew me in, I swear.

Maybelline's the Falsies Volume Express mascara
I actually have about 5 mascaras on the go right now because I can never decide which one to use up - the consequences of my fickle nature is that all 5 of them are drying up and flaking :( I do have a waterproof mascara that's almost brand new (naughty me... I bought it for glastonbury and used it once!) but I don't like wearing waterproof mascara everyday because its so buggering hard to get off! Hopefully this will give me lashes like Erin Wasson's :) Has anyone tried this? Thoughts?

Maybelline Dream Creamy Foundation
My skin has suddenly started rebelling against me, with my T-zone being normal/oily and my cheeks being DRY DRY DRY! I'm using the Maybelline Dream Satin liquid in Nude most of the time at the moment which I like BUT it still shows up on dry patches no matter how much I exfoiliate and prep my skin. Also, it doesn't have enough coverage for my liking and tends to shift around on the skin a bit.
SO... I thought I'd try this after seeing
this review and
this foundation routine video by
Tao on Youtube (I'm not sure why it has a different name "dream smooth mousse"... the Maybelline matte mousse foundation here in the UK is a completely different product in a different container). She did a great foundation application demo - I LOVE it when make up gurus start with a fresh face! It's so much more real than those who start with all their eye make up and a layer of foundation already...

Nothing too groundbreaking! I've been getting sensitive teeth lately so I'm hoping this will help.

Garnier Nutritionist moisturisers
I am a SUCKAH for:
a) Flashy packaging
b) Different moisturisers for "day" and "night"
c) Garnier, because all their products smell amazing
My skin has been looking a little dry, pale and drab lately and I want to try and rejuvenate it! Here's hoping that these will help inject some moisture.

Boots Vitamin E eye cream
I forgot to include this in the main picture - it was so small I forgot about it. HAHA.
But anyway, ditto above - I was just looking for something simple that will hopefully perk up my eye area - stress and late nights are taking their toll :(
Boots Effervescent re-energise tablets
These are the BOMB - I honestly feel a difference after having one (or even half) of these. I don't like the Berocca ones or the plain vitamin C ones - they make me feel funny! These are the only ones that don't.

Want a review of anything? Just leave a comment :)