Monday 12 April 2010


sexbomb noot in elle italia feb 2010

i know it's been done but so has every trend.

^ loving that little ray of sunshine.

i've been lounging around the house for days in this ensemble (the denim vest is much warmer than you think & the jeans are vintage tommy hilfiger and are basically the denim version of jersey trackpants). today, craving the feeling of sun on my skin. i decided to strap on a pair of wildly inappropriate heels for an impromptu bit of photo taking and a short walk to buy Glamour (a girl needs a little light-hearted generic fashion relief... and i'm already subscribed to Vogue anyway).


PS. my sister from another mister now blogging from the fangZINE. go leave her a nice comment. or a bitchy one. or a stoned one. or just go tell her what you really start craving when you're drunk. or what brand of toothpaste you use. i'm sure she doesn't mind. just go check it out already.


  1. I really love this outfit post. Nothing like a bit of sunshine and good old Glamour to ease you into the evening. Great post! xxx

  2. LOL i did a canadian tuxedo outfit once and my boyfriend sent me a pic of Jay Leno in the EXACT SAME OUTFIT):


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