Monday 27 April 2009

April showers.

Why is it raining again? :( Just when I thought the weather was getting nice!

Although I bought this dress ages ago, it kinda reminds me of Henry Holland's pantone collection, which I thought was a really neat idea. I actually met the man himself whilst gay clubbing, he was super sweet and we chatted about whether I'd been here before (I hadn't and neither had he), whether I was enjoying myself and then he gave me a hug and kiss goodbye. He smelt really nice and his flannel/plaid shirt was sooooooo soft. I need some of his fabric softener. LOL major tangent. Here's a pic of him and the (slightly too?) ubiquitus Agyness Deyn/Laura Hollins.

Other bits of the outfit:
I wore the black version of my dark brown Dr Marten toki boots. Only £24 on amazon and now I have all the boots I will ever need....... seriously. 
Except for the Emma cook ones!!!!! Anyone who is sick of their size 37/38 ones are very welcome to contact me to take them off their hands! :)

Dress: Random store in Hong Kong
Necklace: Mums
Jacket: Uniqlo
Bag: Balenciaga
Boots: Dr Martens

Thank you for the comments :) I'm a little afraid of DIY actually, because whenever I cut/tear/rip/shred things it usually ends up going wrong and I end up in tears and my mum usually offers to sew it back up again with a here-we-go-again look on her face, hahaha. 

My boyfriend isn't here to take my pictures for me :( Hence the glum face! What do you guys do when you feel lonely and the weather is crap? I'm tempted to guzzle the Ben & Jerry's "Half baked" that is sitting in my freezer...!

Z xoxo


  1. good luck with the exam lovely!
    topshop sales are yummm. and so jealous you met holland!


  2. I cant believe you met Henry Holland, hes such a genius!!
    Im desperate for a pair of Emma Cooks too, so expensive though :(
    Dont get me started on ben and jerrys! Its on sale at my local supermarket and im so tempted to pop out and get a pot. If only the weather wasnt so bad :(

  3. Loving your dress and boots!


  4. i luv ur boots n ur bag. they're so cool and pretty. XO :)

  5. Nice Balenciaga bag. I've always wanted a white motorcycle bag.

    Thanks for your comment! I actually don't use a tablet, I draw with pen on paper and then scan them.

  6. love the boots and balenciaga white bag!

  7. oh i totally agree with you about the collaboration and payless thing, designers in h&m seem to go over board crazy.. or just take ideas!!! it would be amazing to get some vest dresses, a nice jacket (the Williamson one isnt bad, but I bet its so cheaply made..) some tee's... arg! where are you normal designers! h&m needs you!

  8. Love the dress and I know what you mean about the weather. The rain needs to go away!

    My friend keeps bumping in Holland on the tube...and she says he is always clad in bright attire!

    Of course I'll link you back!

  9. you have the cutest boots ever dude

  10. WOW! You met Mr Holland himself! MEGA jealous now! haha :D

    Was YOUR racing car grey too! Such a coincidence. I felt like such a dork omitting that piece of information lol.

    Cute ensemble too! I thought it was a shirt over a skirt but NOOOO a dress! hehe


  11. cute outfit..and i love your bag!

  12. your white balenciaga bag is fierce!
    love it :)

  13. Nope I didn't see the Emma Cook boots...I wouldn't mind a pair myself so If I ever spot a pair I will let you know!

  14. oh great outfit!!!


  15. I know what you mean with the weather - it was sunny for a few weeks here as well, now suddenly rain again. Ugh - I had to wear boots the last 2 days. Great outfit though and glad to see you're a Balenciaga bag fan as well :)

  16. Hey hun,
    you won my give away!
    Drop me an e-mail and I'll arrange your prizes for you! x


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