Saturday 25 April 2009


Hello lovelies,

I'm impatiently waiting for my packages to arrive!!! Haha, this is the problem with online shopping - there isn't the same INSTANT GRATIFICATION feeling that you get when shopping :P

Oh well. It's hardcore revision time which means comfort food and slobbing out all round. I literally don't go outside unless its to the supermarket, so real-life shopping is not an option! This is what I wore today to go... you guessed it, food shopping. 

Although I could be on my way to a very cool, underground gig. Yes I could. (Just allow me to pretend I have a life).

(My boyfriend told me to do my laces up)

A window frame picture. Don't say I don't spoil you!

Hat - Zara Men
Top - AA pocket skirt
Belt - Uniqlo
Denim shorts - Vintage
Boots - Vintage

I'm thinking of cutting these shorts shorter and doing a Shini DIY. Yes, no?

Thank you for all the great comments on the last post. You guys really helped ease the guilt on those purchases ;) I will be sure to show and tell when they arrive!

Z xoxo


  1. I like the hat and the window picture is so cute!

  2. But it's so great to finally open the box, isn't it? I love getting goodies in the mail

  3. I like the hat! And go you for wearing leggings with shorts, different from with a skirt which is common.

  4. i have been scouring vintage stores and thrift shops for laceup boots. if i see them on one more person i might scream! haha. i will find them soon i hope

  5. I love your pictures! hehe, Very cute outfit. Never done online shopping for clothes or shoes.. still too paranoid! haha

  6. You're so adorable! I love your hat! Your outfits are so well put together! xxoxoxoxo

  7. I love your outfit!!
    I've just linked you :D

  8. CUT IT! ehehe and show more skin! hehe, bleach it too!!

  9. Love how you belted the tube top!


  10. YEESH! do it do it! :D (The H&M wedges probably are sold out now, I got them before easter!) great laceups, good amount of tough in there! I love getting mail, I think it's more of a receiving-gift type of gratification...except you pay for that gift.

  11. aha yeah i know its such a shame one of us wasnt the lucky winner, no one would have known they were from payless here haha. The pink top is from New Zealand, not to sure if it is a big label over there but definetly is a cute little top.


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