Friday 24 April 2009

I can resist everything, except temptation.

I'm such a bad girl....

In 2 words: TOPSHOP HAUL.

Ye shall see the rewards of my frantic clicking, um-ing and ah-ing and eventual purchasing soon enough. I must say, by the time I actually decided to buy stuff, loads of stuff was already gone! People are quick shoppers.

Elisabeth, I blame you! :) (Just kidding, thanks for the heads up!) - You should all check out her blog and see the amazing purchases she made (suede zippered skirt... ahhhh). 

I thought hard about my purchases for once and bought items that were basic pieces that would fit into my wardrobe seamlessly, but had that little topshop edge.

Does anyone else close their eyes when they press the "Complete transaction and buy your bloody stuff already" button? I think it's a guilt thing, haha.

One of the items that is winging its way over to me. Slouchy silky zippered goodness.


Z xoxo


Edit: These babies on Lulu's shop were so close to being mine :( :( :( :( 

I'm dying for a shoe like this - huge platform, black, unashamedly clunky.... Well, you know the call - Anything close to those infamously-owned-by-MK balenciaga fall 2006 harness boots. I know its an obvious obsession but you wouldn't exactly throw them out of bed, would you?...


No, you wouldn't.


  1. Aren't we just all such bad influences on each other. hehe. My shopping ban is totally working.

  2. Thanks for hte compliment! Nice top, can't wait to see what else you got.

  3. i don't usually close my eyes..but i do let the items sit in my cart for a very very long time while i go and hunt for promo codes! haha.

  4. omg i love that top!

  5. lol oh dear i take full responsability here :P i love the top you've picked out!cant wait to see what else you've got :)

    and yeah, i sort of take stuff out of the basket, put it back in, over and over again lol

  6. I don't think you need to feel too guilty. It's a great top and I'm sure you'll be able to wear it all the time!

    By the way - I've added you to my blogroll as well. I'm in London every 2 months, so I'm sure to pick up some useful shopping tips from you ;-)

  7. I love that top.
    I wish I could afford the topshop sale haha,
    though I might get lucky with birthday money

  8. thanks for the comment! I close my eyes too!! xx

  9. hi,
    please follow my blog

  10. Those Sam Edelman boots are so fantastic!

  11. ahh i love these! so cool, i tend to fall over in muchos high heels though.. arg.. x

  12. Oh my god I know what you mean...the fact that the sale is amazing and the fact that I have no money is killing that top you ordered was on my wishlist..


  13. ahaha i wanted the payless shoes as well when i saw them and saw the price. oh damn!


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