Monday 21 June 2010

Victoria Beckham CAN look good

Thank you guys for your sweet comments on your last post :) I have been a bad blogger recently - not putting any effort into my very sporadic posts and generally being uninspirational & never replying to comments (shoot me!!). I'm definitely going to make more of an effort to re-immerse myself into the blogging world and check out all your lovely blogs and reply to your comments. I've just been sooo lazy recently, sorry! I call it post-exam CHILL OUT & REFRESH time :)


I wish I had the courage to work a strong eyebrow but I always end up looking like an overdone geisha girl. Which, despite my blog's name, is not the look I generally go for! I think they work best with soft eye make up and a strong lip (or at least a flushed tint) to balance out the face. Strong eyebrows and a nude lip would look a little strange!

Here is the gorgeous Sam of Pixiwoo fame demonstrating how a strong brow and lip work perfectly together.

The title of my post refers to Mrs Beckham looking rather sultry and interesting in the May 2010 edition of Vogue Germany... Very surprising! (Not sure about the styling though - what the hell is going on with her hair. And her earrings?! And that fascinator Ascot-style hat? In the middle of a desert? HMMM.)

I've just realised that it's also surprising to see her in an editorial like this because I hardly see her without her sunglasses so it's nice to see that she CAN rock a gentle smoky eye.

Other great eyebrows:

Tallulah Morton

Hilary Rhoda

Brooke Shields in The Blue Lagoon



  1. Lovely update. Victoria looks really pretty on that magazine cover. xxx

  2. I am feeling the exact same at the moment, but I too am trying to not be such a bad blogger!

    I love VB she is so stylish xx

  3. Posh does look really good... the brow and soft look really suits her (girl is funny as hell too!)


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